Tuesday, August 24, 2010

how to get file from resources

Today I was busy in two issues
First one was something refactoring I have to deal with some objects and their property name
and object property will be called by name Like I want obj.property(string name).setvalue("")
Any how I achieved this by reflection. lemme me share code with u

private static void LoadPropertiesValues(object dataObject )
if(dataObject != null)
PropertyInfo[] properties = dataObject.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo objInfo in properties)
XmlNode xmlMapNode =
_xmlMappingDoc.SelectSingleNode("/parentElement/ChildName[@fieldname='" +
objInfo.Name + "']");
if (xmlMapNode != null && xmlMapNode.Attributes[1] != null &&
xmlMapNode.Attributes[1].Value != string.Empty)
string mapGroupName = xmlMapNode.Attributes[1].InnerText;
Mapping mapping = _dataMapperDao.GetMappingByCodeAndResidencyValue(mapGroupName,
if (mapping != null)


Second issue was access file from resources
Actually I have to load some values from xml file and then I have to take care about its path because in production Envoirnment I cann't guarantee that path will be same neither I can enforce it. It will be changed so I want to get rid of this issue I put this file inside resources, then I put little effort on accessing this file.

Assembly objAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (ClassName));
Stream stream = objAssembly.
if (stream != null)
var xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(stream);



So, this is all about today :)

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